Candy Bandit

Random Adventures from the mind of an incredibly stressed, slightly sarcastic, altogether insane young woman.

My Photo
Location: Hyde Park, NY

I am a 28 year old wife & mother of two little girls - 3 & 1 1/2. I am constantly struggling with my junk food addiction, and have recently graduated to a mail order/box subscription addiction.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


These are some pictures of my tattoos

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Holy Month

Okay so it's been an entire month since I last posted, which in Kristin Time is not very long. Here's the update:

The rest of camp went by fairly uneventfully, I hung out with Casey a lot and just worked. Learned to play chess....make the perfect G&T, invented a pretty good cocktail if I do say so myself. I got a new tattoo right before leaving, I'll post a picture of it here. Casey got one too; his is of the lion from his family crest. I decided to move back to Virginia and vacationed in Las Vegas....let's review the vegas trip:

So i had this best friend who I was really close to; she's the only person in high school I was really good friends with who was in my grade. We would spend as much time together as we could. This usually meant I was following her around like a lost puppy until she decided she'd hang out with me. I went away to college and figured out what kind of person I wanted to be, and when I came home I realized she had become someone very different. But we had been friends a long time and I figured our friendship would overcome our newfound differences. Things went fairly well until I moved home from Virginia. I started working at a restaurant with her and tried to give her advice about managing people, since she was now a manager and I was a server. She didn't feel that it was in her best interest to take my advice, and I found it more and more difficult to work in the same place as her. I ended up leaving that job to go back to my old summer job and spent this past summer having a BLAST in saranac lake. We spoke a lot over the summer and she mentioned a vacation she was planning to Las Vegas to visit a friend and invited me along. I told her I was interested as long as plane tickets were cheap ($200 or less in my opinion). She said no problem and the next I heard from her she was buying $330 tickets. I explained my lack of funds to her which was met with a "well you can pay me back". I saved every paycheck for the rest of the summer and only used my money to pay bills. When we got to Vegas it was spend here and spend here...let's go drinking/dancing/partying you name it. One minute it was "lets save our money" the next it was "let's go to a club". She took our friend and I out to Aureole where we had been put on the VIP list. We had each told her we were broke and she told us not to worry about it. $450 later, it was "you can each pay me back $140". WHAT!?? A couple days later, some friends from work who were staying in San Fran come to party in Vegas. We were supposed to go to a small beach on the Colorado River to hang out and bbq or something. When we got there, I come to find out we're renting a boat. I said I didn't have the money to rent it. She said "don't worry about it". So I don't. Then when we get back, it's "you owe $30 for that". Great. Awesome. The next day our friend and I decide to bbq and lay by the pool while she goes with the work friends to party at a club. I had the BEST TIME just hanging out with her and her friends. I played poker with her roommates, ate some kickass food and just relaxed. The next day we went to Freemont Street to walk around, got kinda drunk and got in a fight. I was upset about all the money I had been encouraged to spend. She tried to tell me she just wanted me to be happy. Then she tried the "I never wanted the money for that dinner back" thing. She had been pestering our friend and I for it the entire day. Thus, the straw that broke the camel's back. I turned on my heel and walked away. Her response? "You know this means our friendship is over right?" That had always worked on me in the past. Not this time. I rescheduled my flight for the next day and left, and we haven't spoken since. Damn. So I ended up spending waaaaaaay more than I had anticipated, waaaaaaaay more than my summer's end bonus....even too much to make it home. I had to borrow money to fly home early. And I'm still broke from it.

I went up to Saranac to say bye to Casey and I BEAT HIM! TWICE! at chess. He said I'm a good winner. PSH! I know I'm good. No just kidding. I just wasn't sure if I had really won. I kinda liked knowing he'd beat me every time. But hey, now next summer, maybe I'll beat him every day. That'd be great. and then we could play color me Casey, and I'd win taht too.

So I'm now supposed to be packing for VA but the funny thing is, I don't feel like it. As much as I do want to go down there, I'm just too damn lazy. I'm sick of doing things because I made a promise to do it. I want to just lay around and be a bum...but if I do that, I'll never get up. So here I to do the right thing. Again.